Friday, October 15, 2010

FFwD: Vietnamese Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup

It's that time again ...another recipe from Dorie Greenspan's book Around My French Table.  I was a bit surprised to find a Veitnamese soup recipe, but Dorie explains that because of France's history to Vietnam (a former colony) that it is not uncommon to find Vietnamese dishes in many French cooks' repertoires.

My husband and I enjoy a local Thai restaurant and we also like our food very spicy.  So I was excited to try this recipe.  There is a spicy version in the cookbook of adding curry, but I decided to try the regular recipe figuring we could spice it up ourselves if we wanted to.  My DH (dear hubby) found a bottle of "Mongolian Fire Oil"...that should give us some spicing up!

We added the optional garnishes of bean sprouts, basil, mint, and lime...along with a few shakes of the "Fire Oil".  We had the Hoisin sauce out but opted not to add that.  We enjoyed the soup and found it similar to some dishes we eat at the Thai restaurant.  We have some leftovers and ready to enjoy the soup again.   


  1. I used the same oil and found it essential to getting the most out of this soup! Loved it. Great job!
    Trevor Sis Boom.

  2. I clicked on your site to see the soup (great post, btw) but I am totally impressed by the fire engine cake in the upper right hand corner. Wow.

  3. @Sis.Boom - the oil did help kick it up!

    @Mary - Thanks!! The fire truck was a big hit. It had working lights on it. If you go to my flickr site there is a video of the lights flashing.

  4. super cute pics with all the square bowls!

  5. Beautiful soup! I need to find some of that Mongolian Fire Oil!
